Keep a healthy
and slim body

Live longer, in the best possible conditions with a healthy body
For starters, it is necessary to look into your diet. You are what you eat.
Urban air is not the best for the body. Get some fresh air whenever you can!
It is also very important to have a physical activity on a regular basisSTAY HEALTHY
If you want to live longer and in the best possible conditions, then you must stay healthy. Some things are very obvious, it is not recommended to smoke for example, to drink too much alcohol or to simply put oneself in danger.
Eating 5 fruits and vegetables a day is necessary, but it is also important to have regular physical activity. Here we will help you know what you can do, every day, to maintain a good health and live a long happy life. What are our tips? They are given here in our health guide, all you need to do is read our articles!

Being well in your body and in your head is not as complicated as you might think it is!


Rest assured, it’s not about eating insects and other weird plants. A live diet consists of sprouted seeds, micro-algae (chlorella and spirulina), oleaginous fruits, fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably to be eaten raw), garlic, grass juice, ginger and lacto-fermented drinks. Why is it good for the body? These types of food are rich in enzymes, minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants but low in calories. They help you keep the line and embellish your appearance. From time to time, it is recommended to rest your body in order to eliminate the excesses of the day before or to hunt some extra pounds.
A thinner body
We forget the diets before the summer to redraw our silhouette. The desire for a toned and slim body should not rhyme with frustration. Our experts in nutrition give you the real tips and tricks to apply throughout the year. Whether you’ve reached the ideal weight or simply want to keep the line all year round, discover all our tips for being slim and keeping the line. How to stay healthy with our daily reflexes, food and sports routine?

What is a slim body?
Before all things, let’s lay the groundwork. Being thin does not necessarily mean getting into the 34’s and fleeing the burgers all your life. We first put on the fact of reaching its weight of form or a number of kilos consistent with our size and our morphology. Yes, the muscles are heavier than the fat. No, if you weigh 60 kilos for 1.60m you are not fat. The goal is not to be thin like a model, but to feel good about your body. Once you have reached the consistent weight you have set, we want to keep the line to avoid taking back the lost pounds or to stay at its weight if we are already thin in nature.